#Apex 5.1 in DB 12c create tablespace apex datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/apex51/apex50.dbf' size 10 M autoextend on next 1m segment space management auto extent management local; alter profile DEFAULT limit PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME unlimited; alter profile DEFAULT limit PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME unlimited; @apexins APEX APEX TEMP /i/ # if flow files trigger does not compile - open it in sqldeveloper and find it and compile it. ALTER USER ANONYMOUS IDENTIFIED BY ANONYMOUS ACCOUNT UNLOCK; ALTER USER XDB IDENTIFIED BY XDB ACCOUNT UNLOCK; ALTER USER APEX_PUBLIC_USER IDENTIFIED BY APEX_PUBLIC_USER account UNLOCK; ALTER USER FLOWS_FILES IDENTIFIED BY FLOWS_FILES ACCOUNT UNLOCK; @apxchpwd ADMIN ADMIN Welcome1& EXEC DBMS_XDB.sethttpport(0); SELECT DBMS_XDB.gethttpport FROM DUAL; @apex_rest_config Enter a password for the APEX_LISTENER user: apex Enter a password for the APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER user: apex ALTER USER APEX_LISTENER IDENTIFIED BY apex ACCOUNT UNLOCK; ALTER USER APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER IDENTIFIED BY apex ACCOUNT UNLOCK; #rename ords.war to apex.war to have /apex in url java -jar ords.war setup # apex for all passwords EXCEPT APEX_PUBLIC_USER: APEX_PUBLIC_USER 1 for plsql gateway ALTER USER ORDS_PUBLIC_USER IDENTIFIED BY apex ACCOUNT UNLOCK; ALTER USER APEX_PUBLIC_USER IDENTIFIED BY APEX_PUBLIC_USER ACCOUNT UNLOCK; java -jar ords.war install lcoationf or config: /config location for apex static files is /images NOTE: APEX_PUBLIC_USER passwords must match! logon host:8080/apex internal/admin/adminpassword # ***** to uninstall: java -jar ords.war uninstall @apxremov # AND Delete config dir AND param/properties under ords/ DROP TABLESPACE "APEX" INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES CASCADE CONSTRAINTS The structure of the link to the Application Express administration services is as follows: http://host:port/pls/apex/apex_admin (Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql) http://host:port/apex/apex_admin (Oracle XML DB HTTP listener with the embedded PL/SQL gateway) http://host:port/apex/apex_admin (Oracle REST Data Services) The structure of the link to the Application Express development interface is as follows: http://host:port/pls/apex (Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql) http://host:port/apex (Oracle XML DB HTTP listener with the embedded PL/SQL gateway) http://host:port/apex (Oracle REST Data Services)