
A guide to practicing mindfulness meditation, though from experience, I prefer the term stillness or emptiness to mindfulness.

Interested in meditation that helps quiet the mind and increase concentration, among other benefits?

Please start with this video from Gary Weber. He explains the role of the Default Mode Network and Meditation. Gary’s website.

This technique requires at least 45 minutes a day for at least two months to begin seeing benefits.

Use self-inquiry to help quiet the mind. Ask:

Who Am I

Where Am I

When Am I

These questions do not admit of an answer, but serve to  invert the mind on itself and cause the root thought to stop.

The basic meditation practice.

Help in breaking the thought stream.

Keep a daily diary:

How many minutes in meditation?

Were the number of thoughts/mental activity more, less, about the same?

Were you aware of any subjective states of stillness or calmness arising? More, less, about the same?
